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Continuing the inspiring story of pursuing and achieving dreams, what secrets to success do the young speakers reveal? How did the Stemhouse “stars” overcome their fears and achieve their goals? Let’s read on to find out!

Inspiring insights from 12 young stars

On the journey to conquer their dreams, each “star” speaker at Stemhouse has gone through their own challenges. At the beginning, they also struggled with those subjects that were not their strengths. Nevertheless, after diligent practice with smart strategies as well as dedicated support from teachers, they have now become confident, assertive and shone on their own path. What are their secrets to overcoming fears in the learning process? Let’s find out below!

Insights from former Stemhouse students on how to succeed in the Tran Dai Nghia exam

  • Secret study tips for achieving high scores
  • Important tips before taking the exam
  • Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted – Dreams come true

Stemhouse – A realm where aspirations take flight

Each student carries within them their own dreams and aspirations. To support students, our annual DREAMS COME TRUE project is designed to inspire and empower students, helping them stay focused on their aspirations and excel in their studies.

The sharing of 12 ‘stars’ not only provides valuable lessons but also ignites great motivation for the next generation of our students. These are experiences in learning, ways to overcome exam pressure, and stories of conquering dreams.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the organizers, former students, parents, and all participants for making Dreams Come True 2024 a memorable experience.

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