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B-STEAM CAMP 2023 with the theme PROJECTS OF THE 13s is a bilingual program combining field trips and learning for campers from 12 – 17 years old. Amid the natural scenery of Da Lat, the program is an opportunity for campers to experience exploring the local economy and apply BSTEAM knowledge and skills to develop the local economy.


B-STEAM STARTUP 2023 welcomes the participation of students from Ho Chi Minh City, Nghe An, Ninh Thuan, Lam Dong, American international students and other regions.

In addition, workshops taking place interspersed in the program are combined by speakers from different professions and countries to learn, exchange and share new knowledge and cultural traditions. and multi-dimensional perspectives.

This diversity creates conditions for campers to exchange, learn and discuss with new friends, bringing a global and multi-dimensional perspective not only on business but also cultural identity.

Also in this program, students will have access to advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and social media to create creative solutions and practical applications in business.

Enjoy not only academic activities but also recreational activities, combined with the beauty of nature and indigenous people.


Timeline: 25/7 – 28/7/2023 

Students: 12 – 17 years old

Language: Bilingual English – Vietnamese

Location: Stemhouse Education, District 7 và Da Lat City, Lam Dong


Location: Stemhouse Education District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.

The speakers who will be present on the first day with the children are:

  • Ms. Hang Tran: CEO and Founder of Stemhouse Education and Moon Hill Farm.
  • Mr. Steven Truong: Restaurant owner and expert in the quality/failure analysis department at Intel.
  • Ms. Nguyen Thao My: Expert at Female Division Pro Golfer Vietnam.
  • Mr. Nguyen Vu Hai: Communication expert in the food and beverage service industry from First Footstep Academy. Ms. Hoang Do: expert in the field of food and beverage services from GURU Group.. 
  • Ms. Thong Nguyen: Product error analysis engineer.
  • Ms. Quynh Anh Dang: CEO and Founder of Columbus – International settlement investment.

Experts from many different fields from education, agriculture, food and beverage services, engineering, immigration and golf,… will definitely be a source of inspiration and extremely useful experience. for teenagers, who are in dire need of reasonable career guidance to orient their future careers.

Experts will share how to acquire important career skill sets as well as create personal plans for young people to be confident and know how to develop themselves to be successful and happy in their adult journey.

(Image of the sharing session between the speaker and students on the topic of building personal plans and career orientation)

Day 2: Solid foundation

Location: Da Lat, Lam Dong.

On this day, children will learn about the economy of Lam Dong province with the guidance of Uncle Thai Van Long.

CNC Agricultural production chain

Under the guidance of expert Thai Van Long, students will explore each step in Lam Dong’s modern CNC Agricultural production chain. From building modern greenhouses, applying advanced techniques, to post-harvest processing and optimal transportation, all are carried out methodically and scientifically.

What’s special is that they will realize the importance of combining production stages closely and effectively. Thanks to that, Lam Dong’s agricultural products not only achieve high quality but also reduce production costs and improve competitiveness in the market.

Advanced technology – The key to sustainable development

Lam Dong is pioneering the application of advanced technologies such as automation, environmental control and logistics in the field of transportation. These technologies help optimize the production and transportation of agricultural products, reduce waste and costs, and ensure products reach consumers with the best quality.

Through the lesson, students will be introduced to and experience these advanced technologies in practice. Thereby, students will have a visual and vivid view of how technology works, as well as the importance of applying technology in production practice.

With the dedicated guidance of Uncle Thai Van Long, and scientifically designed and attractive learning content, the lesson left a lot of interesting knowledge in the students.

Day 3: REO Camping and Pine Forest Farm & Bistro

Location: camping area, paddle soup, BBQ, REO 20° chill cafe and Forest Pine Mo Farm & Bistro.

Experience REO Camping: Explore a business model in harmony with nature

REO Camping – a unique camping site amidst the chilly air and beautiful scenery of Da Lat, brings a completely new experience to those who love pristine nature and appreciate the true value it brings.

More than a campsite

REO is not only a place for you to enjoy the fresh air and majestic landscapes, but also a place where campers can learn about a unique business model based on the “5 NO” philosophy: no plastic, no Wrap food, no plastic bags, no plastic straws and no plastic cups.

Business model “5 NO”

REO’s “5 NO” business model is a typical example of the harmonious combination between economic development and environmental protection. By limiting the use of single-use plastic, REO contributes to protecting the living environment and raising community awareness.

At REO, campers learned to observe, analyze, solve problems and stimulate startup ideas from nature, forming sustainable business models.

REO Camping is not just a simple trip, but also a meaningful learning journey. Through experience here, students will gain more knowledge and skills to become responsible global citizens of the environment and community.

Forest Pine Mo Farm & Bistro – A place to experience the blend of nature and cuisine

Forest Thong Mo Farm & Bistro is an ideal destination for families in Da Lat, a place that harmoniously combines pristine nature and a unique culinary experience.

Diners at Mo Bistro will enjoy European Fusion dishes with a “Farm-to-table” style. Each dish is made from fresh ingredients, harvested directly from Mo Farm, bringing the quintessential and complete flavor of nature.

Mo Farm – Organic farm for campers to explore

Mo Farm is a large organic farm where campers can freely explore and experience being close to nature. You can participate in activities such as growing vegetables, picking vegetables, taking care of animals,… thereby learning about the value of food and the importance of protecting the environment.

Experience sustainable business under the vast canopy of pine trees:

At Dream Pine Forest, campers discover how a sustainable business development business operates. Diverse activities such as restaurants, amusement parks, camping areas, etc. help campers better understand different business models and the importance of environmental protection in business activities.

Experiencing life at Mo Farm organic farm helps campers expand their understanding of how a farm operates, as well as the importance of choosing products and services that are beneficial to the environment and health. . Thereby, children are awakened in their awareness of environmental protection and building a green future for the planet.

(Students learn and discover about sustainable development in businesses)

Day 4: An Hy Farm

Location: An Hy Farm, Da Lat.

An Hy Farm – A place that connects people with nature

An Hy is a peaceful small farm in the heart of Da Lat city, surrounded by cool green pine hills. This is a small farm founded by a young couple with the desire to give everyone, especially children, the opportunity to connect with nature and all species.

Experience connecting with animals

At An Hy, you will meet and take care of many types of gentle herbivores such as rabbits, goats, horses, etc. Through activities such as feeding animals, grooming, taking them for walks, etc. .. you will learn how to love, appreciate and care for the animal world.

Learn about the farm model

Here, the campers learned about the combined farming and farming model, directly witnessing the process of raising animals and growing crops in an organic way, safe for the environment and health.

At An Hy farm, campers went through activities to learn about animals and the farm model. These activities not only help you understand more about animals and farming methods, but also bring a deep sense of connection with nature and balance in life. The campers gained a deeper understanding of the surrounding environment, which is important for building a humane and sustainable community.

(Các học sinh được trải nghiệm với những công việc chăn nuôi tại nông trại) 
(Students experience animal husbandry work on the farm) 


Mr. Steven Truong (Workshop 1 – day 1)

Mr. Steven Truong will be your companion in the workshop “BUILDING A PERSONAL PLAN”.

This is the first workshop on the journey to help children equip themselves with planning skills. Students making their own personal plans will help them see their own desires in the future, firmly step on the path of studying abroad and be ready to face challenges.

Ms. Hoa Đào (Workshop 2 – day 1)

Coming to the second workshop, you will receive knowledge from Ms. Dao Thi Hoang Hoa – Master of Education, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia with workshop: “SUSTAINABILITY IN BUSINESS – SUSTAINABILITY IN BUSINESS”.

With 8 years of experience working as Technical Director at Stemhouse Education and 4 years of research on the topic of Sustainable Development, Ms. Hoa Dao will lead students to learn about business plans and sustainable development factors.

This is an important workshop to help campers equip a solid initial foundation before forming a start-up idea.

Mr. Long Thai (Workshop 3 – day 2)

Mr. Thai Van Long is Vice Chairman of the Union of Science and Technology Associations of Lam Dong province.

As the first person the campers will meet in Da Lat, Lam Dong, Mr. Long will talk about the process of developing the local economy in Da Lat city in particular and Lam Dong province in general. The third workshop with the topic: “EXPLORE THE LOCAL ECONOMY” will give campers a clear view of the farming-farming model based on local advantages.

In addition, Mr. Long will help campers connect more deeply with the startup market and young businesses in Lam Dong province.

Ms. Vuong Hong An và Mr. Le Thanh Tuan (workshop 4 – day 4)

Mr. Le Thanh Tuan – The founder of An Hy farm has a simple, upright and eager to learn lifestyle. Luckily, the “vectors” of life’s ideals, life goals, interests, and strengths are all in the same direction.

Ms. Vuong Hong An – Co-founder of An Hy farm. She is a former student of Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted, a former student majoring in Biotechnology at the City University of Natural Sciences. HCM. In addition, she also had time to work on a project in the high-tech agricultural development cooperation chain between the Netherlands and Vietnam.

In particular, she had the opportunity to meet the Queen of the Netherlands as a representative farmer in this series of projects. In 2022, she also developed a high-tech strawberry growing project in Da Lat since 2012. Currently, she and her partner – Mr. Tuan Le is returning to a natural lifestyle.

Coming to B-STEAM CAMP STARTUP 2023, you will share your experiences about your entrepreneurial journey as well as the behavior and food of animals through the Workshop with the theme: “GREEN STARTUP JOURNEY”.

Ms. Hang Tran

The last important guest expert character on the B-STEAM STARTUP 2023 trip – Ms. Hang Tran

Besides 22 years of experience in teaching, Ms. Hang Tran has also started a business with many projects such as:

  • Founder and CEO of Stemhouse Education.
  • Founder and CEO of Moon Hills Educational Farm.
  • Start up Maths and Science Program at Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Start up APMOPS Program at Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted, Ho Chi Minh City.

With a series of valuable experiences, Ms. Hang Tran will be the camper’s companion throughout the trip. From personal planning workshops, sustainable development elements in businesses, business planning to building startup ideas based on local geographical conditions, Ms. Hang and her children step by step become future entrepreneur.

Presentation of START-UP PROJECTS by campers on DAY 3

Standing in the middle of a green pine hill, amidst the vastness of nature, talking about startup ideas and sustainable elements in business.

(Stemhouse team and campers draw up their startup ideas)

Campers with the idea of ​​starting a company that produces and sells toys from recycled materials. Is this idea feasible? Below are extremely unique ideas from the campers.

GroupTopicLink bài thuyết trình
1Starting a business with a coffee shop for young people in District 2, Ho Chi Minh City.https://youtu.be/YeYVw30_dmw
2Coffee shop to meet deadlines.https://youtu.be/gp7SAP5tqK8
3Mobile Services Business.https://youtu.be/WJ4EzzngjwA 
4The company produces and sells toys from recycled materials.https://youtu.be/fTzNq6thLtU 

With the experience and knowledge from B-STEAM CAMP 2023, we firmly believe that this will be a solid foundation for young talents to step into the future, confident and ready to face life’s challenges. and startups. Let’s start new steps together, explore and create new and meaningful ideas for a bright future.

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