International Examinations

The A-Level certificate is the perfect starting point for those aspiring to attend prestigious universities worldwide, such as Oxford or Cambridge. With a curriculum designed to enhance both knowledge and skills, Stemhouse is committed to equipping students with everything they need to not only succeed in their exams but also thrive in their future academic endeavors. Join us as we explore this program in detail.

What is A-Level?

A-Level entry requirements

 The A-Level program has specific entry requirements.

Students must be at least 16 years old and have completed grade 10 with a good academic record, typically with a GPA of 7.0 or higher.

In addition, students must demonstrate a good command of English through an IELTS minimum score of 5.5 or an equivalent language proficiency test so as to ensure their understanding in an entirely English-taught curriculum.

Why is A-Level at Stemhouse?

The A-Level program at Stemhouse provides a significant advantage for students whose desire is to continue their academic journey at top global universities, particularly in the United Kingdom. Below are the highlights of this program at Stemhouse, reflecting the thorough preparation and high quality of training.

Worldwide accreditation

The A-Level certificates are accepted by leading universities in over 125 countries, including educational powerhouses such as the UK, the US, France, Germany, Canada, Singapore, and Australia. This means that A-Level graduates can directly apply to prestigious universities without the need for additional foundation programs, saving both time and money.

Opportunity to study at Top universities

Fulfilling the requirements of Top universities

Stemhouse’s A-Level program equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the demanding entry requirements of top universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, Ivy League schools, Sydney, and Toronto. Students will be fully prepared to succeed in entrance exams and applications.

Direct admission to Vietnamese universities

In Vietnam, the A-Level certificate is also recognized by top universities such as the National University of Hanoi, the National University of Ho Chi Minh City, the Foreign Trade University, and international universities like VinUniversity and RMIT. Students holding A-Levels can be directly admitted, without having to go through entrance exams, expanding their educational choices at leading domestic institutions.


    Efficiency in study time

    Studying the A-Level program at Stemhouse helps students shorten the preparation time for university, allowing them to start immediately after grade 10 instead of completing grade 12. By this, students can save time and gain early access to a rigorous academic environment, fostering their growth in an international setting.

    Skills preparation for university success

    At Stemhouse, the A-Level program focuses on developing comprehensive essential skills for university success including critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving. Our learning environment also fosters independence in learning as well as creativity and critical thinking, preparing students with a solid foundation for challenges of higher education.

    Diverse and flexible subject choices

    Stemhouse provides students with the right to self-select subjects in the A-Level program, which allows each student to customize a learning path that suits their personal interests and career goals. This personalized approach helps students not only achieve high academic results but also develop their passions.

    Who is suitable for the A-Level program at Stemhouse?

    The A-Level programme at Stemhouse is designed to meet the diverse educational needs of students, from those with a clear career direction to those who are still in the process of finding and discovering themselves. Here is how the programme caters to each group of students, helping parents determine whether their child is suitable to participate.

    Students with a clear direction

    If your child has already identified their career goals or areas of study, A-Level at Stemhouse will be the ideal choice. The program provides the opportunity to:

    Selection of subjects according to direction: Students can choose subjects that are specifically relevant to the career they want to pursue, such as Science, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, or Foreign Languages, to create a competitive advantage when applying to universities or scholarship programs.

    Developing specialized skills: The A-Level program emphasizes the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in specialized areas, which will not only help students succeed in exams but also throughout their university studies and future careers.

    Students without a clear direction

    For students who are still searching for a career direction or field of study, Stemhouse provides an ideal learning environment to:

    Explore talents and interests: A-Level at Stemhouse allows students to participate in a wide range of subjects from arts, humanities, social sciences, to natural sciences and mathematics. This helps students not only discover their passions and talents but also discover which fields they really want to pursue later.

    Develop comprehensively: The diversity in the curriculum helps students develop comprehensively, from communication skills, teamwork, to creative and analytical thinking abilities. This not only strengthens the academic foundation but also helps students build necessary life skills for the future.

    A-Level curriculum at Stemhouse

    The A-Level curriculum is designed to prepare students with the skills and knowledge needed for university study. It is a two-year programme, comprising two main stages, AS Level and A2 Level, along with a comprehensive assessment system to ensure that each student achieves an international standard.

    Duration of study:

    The A-Level programme lasts for a period of 2 years:

    AS Level (Year 1): In the first year, students will study the basic subjects of the A-Level programme. This is an important year, laying the foundation for the subjects that will be studied in more depth in the second year.

    A2 Level (Year 2): In the second year, students continue the subjects that they started in the first year but at a deeper and more specialized level. This final year focuses on preparing for the final exams, the results of which will determine the student’s overall A-Level grade.

    How grades are calculated:

    A-Level grades are calculated using the Unified Grading System (UMS). Each A-Level subject has a maximum grade limit that students can achieve, based on their results in exams and assessments. The UMS helps standardize results between different subjects and between different years, ensuring that standards are maintained fairly across exams.

    Exam Boards:

    Major Exam Boards:

    AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance): This board is known for its science and social studies subjects.

    Edexcel: Part of Pearson, Edexcel is known for its BTECs as well as its A-Level qualifications.

    OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations): OCR offers a range of qualifications, including A-Levels, with some unique subjects such as classical languages.

    CIE (Cambridge International Examinations): Part of the University of Cambridge, CIE offers internationally recognized qualifications.

    These exam boards ensure that the curriculum and examinations are designed to the highest standards, preparing students for the academic challenges of any university in the world. Choosing the right exam board can depend on a student’s subject preferences and academic strengths, and at Stemhouse we support students in this choice to maximise their potential.

    Choosing subjects in the A-Level program at Stemhouse

    The A-Level program is structured to provide students with a wide range of subjects, catering to all career paths and personal interests to enhance flexibility and allow students to customize their program of study. Below are the factors to consider and approaches to choosing subjects at Stemhouse.

    Career-based course selection

    Career-based course selection helps students prepare for the specific careers they want to pursue.

    Science and Mathematics: Suitable for students planning to pursue careers in engineering, medicine, or the natural sciences.

    Business and Economics: Students who wish to work in finance, business administration, or economics will benefit from choosing these courses.

    Humanities and Languages: Develops analytical skills and cultural understanding, ideal for those interested in fields such as law, education, or international relations.

    Choose by interest and talent

    Encourage students to choose subjects based on their personal interests and talents to ensure interest and motivation throughout their studies. For example:

    Art and Design: For students who are passionate about creative fields such as painting, design, and performing arts.

    Sports Science: Suitable for students who love sports and want to explore sports science and sports management in depth.

    Avoid similar subjects

    To maximize learning and experience, Stemhouse recommends that students avoid taking subjects that are similar in content. This helps ensure that students receive a variety of knowledge and skills, thereby expanding their future educational and career opportunities.

    Combining subjects

    Stemhouse encourages students to combine subjects intelligently, for example choosing subjects that complement each other to enhance knowledge and skills applicable to future careers. For example, combining Computer Science with Mathematics to prepare for a career in information technology, or Economics and Mathematics to support a career in finance.

    Through a thorough analysis of interests, aptitudes and career goals, Stemhouse ensures that each student can choose the most suitable subjects, not only for their academic goals but also for their future personal and professional development.

    Through this article, parents can see that the A-Level program at Stemhouse opens up not only the opportunity for children to study at the most prestigious universities in the world but also the opportunity for comprehensive development, preparing for all challenges and opportunities in the future. Stemhouse understands that each student has their own dreams and passions, and our program is designed to help them realize them.

    Parents need to learn more about the curriculum. Contact Stemhouse today to learn more and start your child’s promising academic journey.


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