
Following extensive review sessions with our teachers and numerous MTO practice tests, our students are ready to take on the challenge. To ensure they perform their best, Stemhouse has compiled a list of essential items that students need to carefully prepare before taking the exam.

Noteworthy documents

Permitted Documents

(Noteworthy documents)

Student ID card

A valid student ID card must be issued by the student’s primary school and bear the school’s official stamp on the photo.

Registration form

Please double-check all the information on the form. On the exam day, students should arrive at the exam location 30 minutes early to familiarize themselves with the room layout and verify their names outside the exam room.

Permitted Items in the exam room

Permitted Items in the exam room

2B Pencil

The 2B Pencil is ideal for quickly and evenly filling in answer. They’re dark enough to be easily seen but soft enough to erase if needed. Students should bring 3 2B pencils and a pencil sharpener to the exam.


CASIO Calculator

Parents should choose a Casio calculator that doesn’t have word processing capabilities or a memory card. Please ensure the calculator’s battery is fully charged before the exam.


To manage their time effectively, students should bring a mechanical watch to the exam. This will help them keep track of time and ensure they have enough time to review their answers in the final 5 minutes.

Various rulers and compasses

Measuring tool with a millimeter scale. Rulers with added formulas or stickers are not permitted.

Pen (for Essay section)

Only purple, blue, or black ink (or ballpoint pen ink) is permitted. Red ink is strictly prohibited.

Students should bring AT LEAST 3 pens of the same type and color. Please check the ink level before the exam. If your pen runs out during the exam, replace it immediately. Do not shake the pen to avoid ink splatters.

Reminders for students before the exam.

Besides getting your exam kit ready (pens, pencils, erasers, ruler, a basic calculator, etc.), here are a few more things to remember:

  • Put all your exam stuff in a clear zip-lock bag so you don’t forget anything.
  • Leave your phone and smartwatch at home.

Most importantly, make sure you’re well-rested and eating right. Do things you enjoy to stay relaxed and positive. Good luck on your exam!

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