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(Stemhouse - Nâng Cao Chất Lượng Giáo Dục Năm Học Mới Với Professional Learning Community)

On May 26, 2024, in preparation for the new academic year, the Stemhouse Professional Development Committee organized a “Professional Learning Community” (PLC) event. The PLC session was attended by all subject teachers from the six Stemhouse campuses in Ho Chi Minh City.

The Teaching Team at Stemhouse with the Spirit of “Learning to Teach”

As a “home for global citizens,” Stemhouse aims not only to nurture future generations into outstanding global citizens but also to become a “common home” for a dedicated and experienced team of educators. To achieve this goal, Stemhouse has chosen the “Professional Learning Community” (PLC) as an effective method to enhance teachers’ professional skills and teaching abilities, thereby improving the quality of education for students.

The “Professional Learning Community” Event at Stemhouse

On May 26, 2024, in preparation for the new academic year, the Stemhouse Professional Development Committee organized a PLC event. The session was attended by all subject teachers from the six Stemhouse campuses in Ho Chi Minh City.

Sharing Effective Classroom Organization and Management Methods

Dr. Thai Hoai Minh, Associate Dean of the Chemistry Department at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, shared insights on the topic of “Classroom Management.” The presentation covered various methods for managing classrooms, effective techniques for organizing learning activities, and strategies to address challenges faced in the previous academic year. The goal was to create a positive learning environment for students in the new academic year.

Dr. Minh shared several methods with Stemhouse teachers, including: establishing and agreeing on classroom rules and relationships with students; creating a safe and friendly learning environment where students feel comfortable; and using diverse and engaging teaching methods.

These insights aim to keep students focused on lessons through active participation and practice, helping them to truly develop their thinking, apply knowledge effectively, and cultivate a proactive interest in learning rather than just memorizing passively

Dr. Thai Hoai Minh shared insights on the topic of “Classroom Management and Organization.”

Agreeing on Common Points for the New Academic Year

1. General Regulations for the New Academic Year

To kick off the new academic year, Mr. Pham Viet Duy Kha, the Academic Director of Stemhouse, presented the general regulations for the year to help teachers understand their roles and responsibilities in teaching.

Based on the 2019 International Convention on the Rights of the Child, Stemhouse has established guidelines regarding attire, behavior, language, and work ethics to create a safe, serious, disciplined, and effective learning environment. The entire teaching and staff team prioritizes professionalism, responsibility, dynamism, transparency, and effectiveness by adhering to these standards of conduct and working practices.

Mr. Kha also emphasized the importance of professional ethics for teachers, encouraging them to set a good example for students and to collaborate respectfully with colleagues and parents to enhance the teaching quality at the center. This approach aims to establish a fair, objective, and accurate student evaluation system while respecting individual differences to support students’ comprehensive development.

Mr. Pham Viet Duy Kha, Academic Director of Stemhouse, presented the general regulations for the 2024-2025 academic year.

2. Professional Development by Subject

During the PLC session, teachers from each subject group also had time for professional development activities where they could exchange ideas and discuss. This space allows Stemhouse teachers to share experiences and discuss challenges encountered during teaching to support each other in their professional tasks. Additionally, the teachers dedicated time to discussing curricula, learning materials, and new educational methods to stay updated with trends and make appropriate adjustments to align with the current education system.

Professional activities of the Mathematics department
Stemhouse teachers
Professional activities of the English department

Preparing for a Dynamic and Successful Academic Year

With the goal of creating a vibrant and successful new academic year, Stemhouse provides a high-quality educational environment to help students develop holistically and achieve academic success with:

  • A Team of Skilled, Passionate, and Dedicated Teachers: Teachers are committed to delivering instruction effectively, imparting knowledge and skills to students, igniting their passion for learning, and helping them maximize their potential.
  • High-Quality Curriculum Tailored to Students’ Needs: Stemhouse integrates various modern teaching methods into the curriculum, making it easier and more effective for students to absorb knowledge. Methods include 5E, CLIL, CPA, TPR, and more.
  • Modern, Well-Equipped Facilities: The learning environment is ensured to be complete and modern, featuring TVs, large whiteboards in every classroom, and rooms that receive ample natural and artificial light. Each campus also has a library stocked with reference books for each subject, children’s literature, and scientific books.
  • A Friendly, Positive Learning Environment: Stemhouse fosters a friendly, open atmosphere that encourages students to explore freely and develop their creativity. Students participate in engaging extracurricular activities that enhance soft skills and increase community and social interaction.
  • Close Collaboration Between School and Family: Stemhouse emphasizes strong cooperation between the school and families to provide the best care and education for students. The school regularly updates parents on students’ academic and developmental progress and organizes workshops and meetings to give parents a deeper understanding of the curriculum.
Stemhouse library at District 7 campus

Stemhouse believes that investing in people is always the most worthwhile investment. Therefore, Stemhouse regularly organizes activities to enhance the professional skills and working abilities of its teachers and staff. This ensures that the positive teaching environment at Stemhouse continually evolves, delivering genuine value in education.

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